The national dialogue sponsored by President Mohamed Morsy and coordinated by outgoing Vice President Mahmoud Mekki discussed possible amendments to the newly passed constitution during the dialogue’s seventh round on Wednesday.
Member of the dialogue’s legal committee and Ghad Al-Thawra Party head Ayman Nour told state-owned Al-Ahram that the committee received requests from political groups to amend 164 articles out of the 225 articles of the newly-passed constitution. Nour said the requests came not only from political parties taking part in the dialogue and the National Salvation Front (NSF) made suggestions.
The NSF is boycotting the national dialogue. The opposition group is demanding a clear agenda, a timeline, a neutral moderator and publicity of the talks as prerequisites for their participation.
“It’s extremely difficult to amend so many articles,” Nour told Al-Ahram. He added that only the articles upon which there is “unanimous disagreement” will be amended. The legal committee extended the deadline for receiving propositions about the constitution for two extra weeks.
“It’s extremely difficult to amend so many articles,” Nour told Al-Ahram. He added that only the articles upon which there is “unanimous disagreement” will be amended. The legal committee extended the deadline for receiving propositions about the constitution for two extra weeks.
Nour could not be reached for further comment. The presidency is to release an official statement regarding the outcome of the seventh round on Thursday.
Leaders of various parties are participating in the dialogue, including the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), Al-Nour Party and the Building and Development party. It also includes Mekki, Al-Sharkawy, Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb alongside a number of other prominent political figures. It began shortly before the referendum on the constitution was held.