The Popular Current political movement has denied media speculation that they are working with controversial television anchor Tawfiq Okasha ahead of scheduled Friday protests.
During an interview with Al-Tahrir TV channel on Tuesday night, Okasha said he had contacted the Popular Current to coordinate with them on the upcoming “Egypt is not a manor … Egypt is for all Egyptians” protests, which call for punishing those who attacked protesters on last Friday.
Okasha asserted his opposition to the Muslim brotherhood and president Morsy, and said that his soon-to-be-established party, The Nationalist People, will join other parties at Friday’s protests.
Hossam Mo’ness, founding member of the Popular Current, asserted that the Popular Current was not contacted by Okasha or any of his associates.
“We totally deny Okasha’s false claims and even if he tried to contact us we would never cooperate with him,” said Mo’ness.
A statement issued by the Popular Current said Okasha was not among those organising the planned Friday protests, which include the Popular Current, Al-Dostour Party, Egyptian Socialist Democratic Party, Socialist People’s Alliance Party, Al-Karama Party, the National Association for Change and several political figures and other revolutionary movements.
The statement added that coordination and participation in such events is not conducted through media organisations, rather through an institutionalised network. The statement also noted the right of any persons, groups or parties to express their opinions peacefully on Friday or any other day.
Marches will start after Friday prayers at Mostafa Mahmoud mosque and Al-Sayeda Zainab mosque and will head towards Tahrir Square. Another three protests are scheduled to march from Tahrir to the Shura Council, the cabinet and Abdeen Palace.