Egypt keen to create a unified system for manufacturing artificial limbs, prosthetic devices
According to a ministry statement, Gamea said that the meeting tackled the…
Egypt records 1.64% decrease in manufacturing and extractive index during February 2022
CAPMAS updated the index methodology using FY year 2012/13 as a base…
2.15 % decrease in manufacturing, extractive index during January 2022
Manufacturing index, excluding crude oil and petroleum products, reaches 112.67 last January
4.83% increase in manufacturing, extractive index in December 2021: CAPMAS
CAPMAS updated the index methodology using the base FY 2012/13 at the…
12.19% decline in Egypt’s manufacturing, extractives index in July 2021
Manufacturing, extractive industries, excluding crude oil and petroleum products, reach 103.09 in…
14.49% increase in Egypt’s manufacturing, extractive industries index in June 2021
Economic activities that increased included manufacture of beverages to 368.63 in June
Egypt sees 9.18 % decrease in manufacturing, extractive index in April 2021: CAPMAS
Index, which excludes crude oil and petroleum products, reached 108.06 during month
UNIDO helps mainstream Industry 4.0 technologies in Egypt’s manufacturing sector
It is part of UNIDO’s five-year Program for Country Partnership to advance…
Egypt sees 12.25% increase in manufacturing, extractive index in March 2021: CAPMAS
Decrease was seen in economic activities among computer, electronic, and optical products,…
Egypt sees 0.7% decrease in manufacturing, extractives index in January 2021: CAPMAS
Manufacturing, extractive industries index, excluding crude oil and petroleum products, reaches 99.59…