Russian arrested at Borg El-Arab airport for carrying IED

Taha Sakr
1 Min Read
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources denied that airlines have requested to continue paying for fuel used in flights using the Egyptian pound instead of the US dollar. (Photo by: Mohamed Omar)

Local media on Thursday reported that a Russian citizen was barred from boarding a Turkish Airlines flight from Alexandria to Istanbul after an IED-like structure had been found in his luggage.

According to state-run Russian news agency Sputnik that referred to local Egyptian media reports, the Russian passenger is suspected of trying to smuggle an IED on board after police forces at Borg El-Arab Airport inspected his luggage and found a suspicious device. Investigations are currently ongoing.

Daily News Egypt contacted officials at the Russian embassy in Cairo to verify the authenticity of the circulated news reports; however, they stated that the press department will not be available before Sunday.

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News reporter in DNE's politics section, focusing on human rights, covering ongoing military conflict in Sinai peninsula ,Egyptian Armed Forces' strategies to curb IS in Sinai, freedoms, among other local political issues.