
Breaking news, latest headlines and analysis from Middle East region, East Mediterranean region, and Africa from the Daily News Egypt.

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Lebanese Judge calls for the death penalty for 88 involved in clashes

Judge Ghassan Oueidat recommended the death penalty for 88 people involved in…

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Soldiers shot dead near the border with Gaza

Two soldiers were reportedly killed in the Sinai Peninsula underlining escalating security…

Hend Kortam Hend Kortam

Iran, US exchange threats over Hormuz closure

Meanwhile Gulf states make alternate plans for oil exports

Connor Molloy Connor Molloy

Iranian spy ring caught in Yemen

Yemeni president fires accusations against Iran

Rana Muhammad Taha Rana Muhammad Taha

Israel accuses Iran of Bulgaria bus bombing

The Bulgarian authorities say a suicide bomber caused explosion and have already…

Mariya Petkova Mariya Petkova

Regional Briefs: Iraq, UAE, Israel, Yemen, Somalia

Iraq An adviser to the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki said the…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Saudi considers silencing ‘blasphemers’ of Islam

The move comes as Al-Azhar similarly requests a formal ‘blasphemy’ article in…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Libyan election results announced

No party has a clear majority, but moderate coalition in best position

Connor Molloy Connor Molloy

Morsy’s meeting with Abbas leaves Iran cold

Iran hopes that their time with the president will finally come at…

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Clinton fears Sinai will be a terrorist base

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is worried for the safety of…

Hend Kortam Hend Kortam