A series of puppet shows celebrate the memory of Om Kulthoum

Ahmed Maged
2 Min Read

CAIRO: When all the different ways of commemorating the anniversary of Egyptian singer Um Kulthoum’s death had been exhausted, Al Sawy Cultural Center in Zamalek came up with something new.

A puppet show titled “Om Kulthoum Returns Once Again not only aimed to observe the diva’s death anniversary but to also to revive the days when her concerts were the talk of the town and the public’s most-anticipated event.

“This puppet show aims to take us down memory lane and also to reintroduce Om Kulthoum to the younger generations, says Mohamed Al Sawy, founder and director of Al Sawy.

The show kicked off amid much acclaim last month with abridged versions of two of Om Kulthoum’s most popular 1960s songs: “Sirt El Hob (The Love Story) and “Inta Omri (You’re My Life).

But the puppets, controlled by a team of ten puppeteers, weren’t the only attraction: The show got a long introduction by a radio presenter – a reenactment of the real concerts which were aired on the first Thursday of every month in the whole Arab world.

This month El Sawy presented “Lesbr Hodoud (Patience has Limits) and “Al Atlal (Memories of Love) to a packed hall which clapped as if the diva was herself on stage.

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