Opinion| Protecting Traditional Masculinity: It’s not only okay to be a man, it’s necessary!

Mohamed El-Seidy
4 Min Read

In the face of shifting societal norms and evolving gender dynamics, it is crucial to preserve and protect traditional masculinity. While some argue for the dismissal of traditional masculine qualities, we must recognize the invaluable contributions and virtues that have shaped society for centuries. Traditional masculinity provides a foundation of strength, honour, and responsibility that is worth safeguarding, as it offers a compass for men navigating the complexities of the modern world. It is not only okay for men to be men, but it is also necessary. The Western world is taking a sharp turn on this topic, and we cannot let this catch up to our society.

A Source of Strength: Traditional masculinity embodies qualities that have historically served as pillars of strength. Men have been responsible for providing for and protecting their families, communities, and nations. By honouring these responsibilities, men have forged societies that thrive on stability and resilience.

Throughout history, traditional masculinity has been intertwined with courage and resilience. Men have faced adversity head-on, displaying bravery in the face of danger and perseverance in times of hardship. These qualities have been instrumental in shaping the world we inhabit today.

The Importance of Honor: Honor is a cornerstone of traditional masculinity. Men have long been guided by a moral code that emphasizes integrity, loyalty, and respect. By upholding these values, men contribute to the creation of strong, ethical communities where trust and mutual respect flourish.

Traditional masculinity recognizes the importance of personal responsibility. Men are encouraged to take ownership of their actions, be accountable for their decisions, and contribute to the well-being of their families and society. This sense of responsibility fosters a sense of purpose and fulfilment, allowing men to lead meaningful lives.

Navigating Change: Protecting traditional masculinity does not mean resisting progress or clinging to outdated ideals. Rather, it involves embracing the positive aspects of traditional masculinity while adapting to the changing world. Men can retain their core values while also embracing the need for flexibility and inclusivity. In the challenging world, we live in today, it is crucial that every individual in our societies pitches in carrying responsibilities, but without relieving men from the responsibilities of protecting and supporting their families and communities.

In an era of rapid change and evolving gender roles, protecting traditional masculinity is essential. By preserving the virtues of strength, honour, and responsibility, we ensure the continuity of a legacy that has shaped societies throughout history. Acknowledging the positive contributions of traditional masculinity while embracing progress allows men to navigate the complexities of the modern world with resilience, purpose, and integrity. Let us celebrate and protect traditional masculinity as a valuable foundation for building a better future, not forgetting it shaped the world as we know it.

Protect your families from the unnatural ideas we witness every day on Western media outlets. Teach them that honourable men died to protect our way of life, and manhood is sacrifice, representing merciful strength in times of hardship. Protecting and guiding society through this unnatural spiral of madness, which the West is falling into, is a man’s responsibility.

Mohamed El-Seidy is a member of the Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians (CPYP)

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