Too hot for sightseeing in Greece

Deutsche Welle
1 Min Read

Due to a predicted heat wave, many tourist attractions will be closed during the daytime.Greece’s Culture Ministry says that all Greek archaeological sites, including Athens’ internationally famed Acropolis, will shut during the hottest hours of the day due to a predicted heat wave. The ministry said that from Wednesday, July 12, and for as long as temperatures exceed 39 Celsius, sites will open for five hours from 8 a.m. local time and then reopen from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The measure will be in place for all areas experiencing high temperatures. Greece’s archaeological sites are one of the main attractions for millions of tourists who visit the country and provide a crucial source of income in a country that’s spent many of the past few years in recession. Greece expects an increase in tourist numbers this year to nearly 30 million.

cd/eg (AP, dpa)

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