Coffee Talk: Overheard in Cairo's cafés

Jumana Shehata
5 Min Read

With the horrible weather we have had lately, the coffee shops are crammed with all sorts of people, which is good news for coffee shop owners.

And for me.

“Oh my child had that eye infection too, it’s normal; you’ll just have to take her to the doctor, “gasped Heba, using her legs to swing her baby.

In my favorite corner, I find three women and two babies which usually spell an equation for baby talk, and boredom for me, but I take out my gear and listen on.

“You know Sara I do have a “3arees (groom) for you. It’s about time you know, you’re nearing 30, she continued looking at Lina for support.

Sara grudged, “I don’t believe in arranged marriages you know that, so drop it.

“But you know this Mohamed is a good guy, and open-minded. He is12 years your senior with a child, but so what, the older you get the more you need to compromise.

Irritatingly, Sara ordered a double espresso and picked up a magazine.

“Really you know Heba is right, look us both with children, and we both had arranged marriages and look at us now, explained Lina.

Sara’s phone rings, and with that she gets up and leaves.

With a full house, too much noise distracts me and my ears hurt. I order a fresh coffee and decide to focus on one table.

The screeching of chairs irritates me and I look up to find four teenage girls jumping from table to table exchanging turns at taking photographs using a phone camera.

“Eeeh, it’s ugly let’s change places, Dina says shoving the other girls.

“Oh no, you are the ugly ones, I take good photos, Layla defended.

Pushing over the rest to see the photo, “No, no you can’t take photos, maybe it’s the table, let’s move, shrieked Mona

“Good idea. Giggle giggle, and photo chairs they play for what seemed forever. “You know what, let’s not take photos, let’s take a video, I think that is better, said Layla with pride as if having discovered inventing the wheel.

Very irritated now, I took my empty coffee cup to the counter myself and asked for another, to find a business meeting when I got back.

“We have a factory that produces Doritos and chips in the Gulf, we are thinking of moving to Egypt where labor and raw material is cheaper, said Rafaat in a broken Egyptian accent.

Interrupted by a phone call: “Ya, ya . that is on its way, the car is on its way, just give him what he wants and let the car through, it’s money.

Joined by a third person, an exchange of business cards takes place, and then the whole factory history presentation is repeated.

“There are other types in the market that are cheaper, but they are free and garbage quality, I want to make Mercedes, explains Rafaat to his meeting.

Stirring my coffee, I looked outside the window, my eyebrows forming a V shape as I tried to make out how Mercedes made its way to the quality of chips conversation.

Finally, they leave.

Instantly replaced by two girls that had been huffing and puffing in wait for a free table.

“So how was your interview? Salma asked her friend

I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and pricked up my ears for my next entertaining act.

Interview? I asked myself, maybe a little too obviously; this lot looked like they had just walked off a Gucci ramp at 5 pm.

“La’, it won’t work, Basma said obnoxiously.

“Why? asked Salma in anxiety, “that is a reputable company.

“Can you imagine, the manager that interviewed me was very baladi

Shifting in her seat Basma explains with hands, “She was not “Sinyei , “not one label, maybe just a Louis Vuitton bag, but that is it.

“Oh my god, you are joking, I mean the standard of people in a workplace is so important and how can you be better dressed than your boss? Salma quickly assured her friend.

“You can’t work there.

The grinding ice blender interrupting my eavesdropping was suddenly a sound I was very happy to hear.

The sun outside had chosen to go to rest, and I figured so should I.

I signaled for the bill and smiled to myself thinking, some people have it worse than I.

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