Olmert in Egypt as prisoner exchange talks continue

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
4 Min Read

CAIRO: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert meets President Hosni Mubarak today as Egypt attempts to reach a successful resolution in the prisoner exchange negotiations between Hamas and the Israeli government.

“Olmert is coming to discuss prisoner exchange. We are hosting him to lift the suffering off the Palestinian people and see him deliver on his promises, Mohammed Bassiouny, former Ambassador to Israel and member of the National Security Committee in the Shura Council told The Daily Star Egypt.

Hamas officials had told Palestinian media that progress was being made and that a deal would be announced in the wake of the Mubarak-Olmert summit.

However, Israeli officials had denied these claims on Monday, citing Hamas’ excessive demands as the main obstacle to a successful resolution.

“A deal can be reached, Bassiouny said, “every side is trying to get the best possible deal. That’s what negotiations are all about and you try and strike a compromise.

Olmert and Mubarak will not announce any breakthrough in efforts to secure the release of an Israeli soldier held by Palestinian radicals when they meet in Egypt on Thursday, an Olmert aide told AP yesterday.

Gilad Shalit is not going to be freed tomorrow, there is not going to be a dramatic announcement, Olmert spokeswoman Miri Eisin said. It will be discussed, but unfortunately we re not at that point yet.

Representatives for the Palestinian embassy were unavailable for comment on Olmert’s visit and the progress of the prisoner exchange.

Meanwhile, tensions continued to simmer between Palestinian factions as Fatah and Hamas gunmen clashed in Northern Gaza and an AFP photographer was abducted at gunpoint in Gaza City.

Bassiouny said “If internal squabbles continue between the factions, then the Palestinian dream is gone. But we have negotiated a truce between the factions in the past and we can calm the situation down again

Egyptian Foreign minister Ahmed Abul Gheit had previously stated that Palestinian factions must end their internal warring; urging Fatah and Hamas to abide by the cessation of hostilities that had been agreed upon, or the violence will lead to a loss of sympathy and support for the Palestinian plight.

Currently Egypt is working on two fronts in the Palestinian issue; brokering between Palestinian factions to end internal divisions and brokering between the Palestinian side and Israel.

“What Egypt has done is send a delegation from the General Intelligence to deal with all the factions on matters of security to prevent an outbreak of violence. So there is a permanent security delegation acting as peace doves, Sobhy Essaila, an expert from Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, had previously told The Daily Star Egypt.

However, Egypt must intensify its efforts in the political arena and not just focus on security issues, he added.

“A comprehensive political initiative must be offered and Egypt should do this, Essaila said.

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