Egyptian border guards kill Eritrean migrant

Ashraf Sweilam
1 Min Read

EL-ARISH: An Egyptian security official says an African migrant bled to death after being shot in the leg by border guards as he tried to cross into Israel.

The official says the shooting occurred early Wednesday near the Rafah crossing. He says the migrant was a 36-year-old Eritrean who paid Bedouin traffickers about $1,000 to cross the border.

The official says the guards wounded a migrant from Nigeria in a separate incident near Rafah.

He says the Nigerian has been arrested. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media.

Egypt has killed dozens of African migrants near the Israeli border in the past two years, drawing criticism from rights groups. The migrants try to reach Israel searching for political asylum and a better life.



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