Workers strikes continue despite Cabinet criticism

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah
4 Min Read
Transport workers continued their strike on Monday outside a Cairo bus terminal where the buses remained stationary (Photo by Ahmed Al-Malky)
Transport workers continued their strike on Monday outside a Cairo bus terminal where the buses remained stationary  (Photo by Ahmed Al-Malky)
Transport workers continued their strike on Monday outside a Cairo bus terminal where the buses remained stationary
(Photo by Ahmed Al-Malky)

The Egyptian Cabinet criticised striking workers Monday accusing “a few” of spreading rumours to compromise stability and disrupt production.

In a statement, the cabinet called on the workers “to be alerted that this is the time to maximise production and unite for the renaissance of Egypt,” adding that the companies’ management should clarify their vision to the workers and quickly find solutions to their problems as long as they have rights.

Employee demands remained unmet Monday and workers’ strikes continued.

The workers demanded a minimum income along with other administrative demands, said Tarek Al-Behairy, spokesman for the Independent Transport Workers’ Union. He said the issues could be settled in one negotiation session “if there is an actual intent to meet the workers demands”.

“Ignoring the workers’ demands would only complicate the situation and mean the continuation of the strike,” Al-Behairy said.  He described the cabinet’s Monday resignation as “running away from their responsibility”.

Twenty-six garages joined the strike Monday, and two garages held a partial strike.

Minister of Finance Ahmed Galal has pumped EGP 15.2m into Cairo Transport Authority.

The Centre for Trade Union and Workers Services issued a statement Monday condemning the chaining of the doors of the building where the workers are holding their sit-in by the administrative security at the Post Authority headquarters in Attaba, cutting off the food and medical supplies from reaching the workers in the sit-in to force them to end it.

Presidential hopeful Hamdeen Sabahy on Sunday supported the striking employees on his twitter account.

“Securing the rights of Egypt’s workers and employees is a necessary step on the road to social justice,” Sabahy tweeted.

The Socialist Popular Alliance Party also issued a statement supporting the workers’ strikes and denied accusations that the workers movement is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The statement divided strikers into three categories, according to the statement. The first is a combination of both the public sector workers and workers of the private sector who demand the application of the minimum income plan.

The second striking segment includes professional unions, such as the Doctor and Teachers’ syndicates, which call for a special staff law that would be suitable for their expertise and ensure appropriate working conditions.

The third segment is composed of public sector companies that were privatised and returned to the public sector following a court order, yet the government “is stalling its return and the operation of these companies.”

The alliance formed a committee to monitor the strikes and provide legal aid for the workers and opened its headquarters for the sake of assisting the striking workers.

The party listed a number of demands including the modification of the Social Insurance Law and the immediate application of the minimum income plan for both public and private sectors. The party also called for the dismissal of the management of the public sector companies involved in corruption cases and the return to operation of public sector factories, among other demands.

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