Kuwaitis cleared to join Mubarak defense team

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CAIRO: Egyptian Justice Minister Abdel Aziz Al-Gindi has allowed five Kuwaiti lawyers to join the defense team of ex-president Hosni Mubarak, who is on trial on charges of killing demonstrators, the official MENA news agency reported on Tuesday.

The lawyers, who say they want to defend Mubarak because he supported Kuwait after the Iraqi invasion of 1990, will be issued passes to enter the court room, the news agency reported.

But it was not immediately clear whether Mubarak’s defense team would take them on. Many lawyers attend the hearings as "volunteers" for Mubarak but are not part of the legal team he hired.

The 83-year-old, whose 30-year rule ended in a mass uprising in February, faces trial with his two sons, who are accused of graft, his ex-interior minister and six security commanders.

Another defendant, a business associate of Mubarak, is being tried in absentia after he fled to Spain.


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