Tag: army

Rafah church unlikey target

A bomb plot said to have been targeting a church was foiled…

Sara Abou Bakr Sara Abou Bakr

Military arrests seven during referendum

Seven civilians to undergo military trials despite presidency’s statement

Liliana Mihaila Liliana Mihaila

The army and the current crisis

The crisis that broke with Morsy’s constitutional declaration on 22 November reconfigured…

Fady Salah Fady Salah

Cabinet clashes remembered

Egypt ended 2011 with street fighting that left many dead

Liliana Mihaila Liliana Mihaila

Has the Muslim Brotherhood entered a new stage?

The process of Al-Tamkin is a phrase often used by Islamists, that…

Fady Salah Fady Salah

Qorsaya residents threaten escalation

Have given the military 48 hour ultimatum

Sara Abou Bakr Sara Abou Bakr

Deadly clashes in Qorsaya

Army claims Qorsaya land

Liliana Mihaila Liliana Mihaila

Syria opposition talks intensify as bombs hit army

The SNC was due to give its delayed response on Saturday to…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Calm in Al-Arish after deployment of the army and security forces

Activists campaign for cooperation with security forces

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Army move in to protect Dahab police station

Armoured vehicles help restore order

Joel Gulhane Joel Gulhane