Salem firm on Ismaili exit despite fans' pressure

Omar AbdelAziz
1 Min Read

CAIRO: Ismaili defender Moatassem Salem insists on leaving the club at the end of the season, despite pressure from the fans urging him to stay.

Salem announced his desire to move to Cairo for a personal reason concerning his son Mazen, as attempts from Ismaili fans to keep him didn’t seem successful.

Banners from the Dervishes stands in Tuesday’s cup win over Gaish, urged the Egypt international not to leave, reading ‘Moatassem and Mazen…your life is in Ismailia’.

"It was really touching to see this support from the Ismaili fans, but it is now beyond my desire," Salem told

"As I said before, moving to Cairo is a must for my son’s sake and I am still firm on my decision to leave Ismaili.

"I really hope the board would give me an all-clear because I am still waiting for their permission to end the speculation."

Salem, who is expected to join either Ahly or Zamalek, has a contract in Ismailia until 2013.

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