Exxonmobil donates 60 computers to Unicef's NGO partners

Dalia Rabie
3 Min Read

CAIRO: Unicef signed an agreement with Exxonmobil to donate 60 computers to Unicef s NGO partners, the Youth Association for Population and Development and Maritime Scouts Association, at a conference held at their headquarters in Maadi on Thursday.

The computers will be donated to youth centers in seven governorates: Cairo, Alexandria, Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Minya and Ismailia and will allow young people to form volunteer networks through special database software, as well as develop their computer skills.

The donation marks an important step towards a long-lasting and fruitful partnership for promoting the rights and well-being of children and adolescents, Dr Erma Manoncourt, Unicef Egypt s representative said. She added that the computers will enable them to enhance the capacity of youth centers, thus better serving their communities.

Hesham Rouby, Youth Association for population and Development chairman agreed with Manoncourt that this donation is merely part of a larger program and should be regarded in that context. Don’t see this donation as an isolation of the programs and donations . A computer is just a tool, what you put inside it is what s important, Manoncourt said.

Tom Walter, chairman and managing director of Exxonmobil, expressed his gratitude at the opportunity to join forces with Unicef. He said that Exxonmobil s support for Unicef is an ongoing commitment to positive and lasting contributions to the community. We sincerely believe we can make a real difference in the future today, Walter said.

Brief discussions on various topics followed the signing of the agreement, including the problem of street children, female genital mutilation (FGM) and children s nutrition and health concerns. Manoncourt called for the media to play a more active role and bring more attention to the different issues. She urged journalists to keep the pressure up, and added that without the media, a donation like this one wouldn’t have an impact.

Exxonmobil was put in the hot seat when it was criticized for raising gas prices, and therefore increasing the general cost of living. Walter said that world oil prices moved dramatically and that they are driven by market realities. However, he highlighted Exxonmobil s positive role in providing a lot of good job opportunities in a country that needs jobs.

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