A helping hand from a 'Big Heart'

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

CAIRO: A non-governmental organization under the name Big Heart is lending a helping hand to people who are suffering from depression, learning disabilities, drug addiction as well as the less ordinary social ailments such as infidelity and spinsterhood.

The organization, which is the first of its kind to tackle such issues, also offers counselling for domestic violence and divorced couples as well as children of divorced parents.

Psychiatrist Fairouz Omar, head of the organization, believes that by addressing problems within the family, they can help solve many problems in Egypt today.

Omar said that she felt that mental health in Egypt is not receiving the attention it needs, especially those linked with family relationships. This is why she felt that this kind of organization is needed.

Mona Osman Bashier, the organization’s secretary, told Daily News Egypt that they want to help as many people as they can with a focus on the youth who are confused about where they fit in society and need emotional support.

“We created a workshop called ‘Let Me Listen to You’ where teenagers can share their problems and we try to listen to them and help, she said.

The organization aims at tackling a number of issues and creating a proper environment for children as they grow up. “There are many children in primary and secondary schools everywhere that are emotionally tired and don’t understand their social roles beyond academic success, Bashier said.

“We want to change that.

The organization conducts workshops for children as well as IQ tests and classes for underprivileged children who need education and who want to learn.

The organization also trains psychiatrists to be able to deal with family issues as well as administrating advice for parents to better raise their children.

Bashier is optimistic about Big Heart’s ability to make a difference for children and adolescents. “With the right help, these teenagers can overcome their problems and turn into successful individuals, she said.

Big Heart also aims at helping mothers define their roles in and outside the family and find a way to balance both.

So far the organization has helped over 60 kids. Big Heart is hopeful and will continue to expand and help more people in the future. “Our staff is equipped and ready to help, Bashier said.

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