Camel meat and milk, cheap and healthy alternatives

Ahmed Maged
4 Min Read

CAIRO: Amid concerns about securing more quality, low priced food alternatives to consumers, specialists are weighing up the benefits of camel meat and camel milk.

Two animal researchers at the National Research Center in Cairo have found that the properties of camel meat and milk are different to those of cows. They even have a high dietary value and could be valid alternatives to beef and other types of milk.

Dr Rushdy Mohamed Al-Qadi told The Daily Star Egypt that the net weight of camel meat is on average between 50 and 55 percent of the animal’s body weight and could differ according to breed, race, age and the quality of herbs used to feed the animal.

Camel meat has a lower fat content and a higher level of fluid compared to cows, said Al-Qadi. In addition to being rich in minerals, camel meat is medically recommended due to being low in fat, which reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

However, when it comes to bone, camels have more than cows because of their larger frames.

Al-Qadi pointed out that with regard to color, camel meat sustains its redness for up to five days of storage. It contains a higher level of “myoglobin that interacts for a longer period with oxygen. This should actually make it more marketable than beef.

He noted that the meat s color should always be considered when buying it, for bright red pieces of meat show that it is fresh and was obtained from a young animal.

Dark red meat is an indication that it hasn t been properly stored, or is the product of a aging mammal.

As is the case for cows, the meat of baby camels is fresher, tastier, more tender and is usually in high demand.

Elaborating on the properties of camel and cow meat, the researcher said: While beef is definitely richer in iron, it s eclipsed by camel meat when it comes to the level of sodium. Both, though, have equal amounts of basic amino acids, which make for good meat.

Research has proven that camel meat contains antioxidant properties that fight cancer, a fact that was revealed during the first conference related to research on camels. A Belgian pharmaceutical company is following up this claim.

Experts have also noted that camel milk can be adapted for human consumption, especially in hot and arid areas.

Dr Mamduh Ibrahim, from the National Research Center, explained that in these zones the types of plant used as fodder for camels play an important role in determining the quality of the milk.

But generally camel milk has some qualities that make it stand out from the milk of other mammals: It is very white in color, light, sometimes with a hint of saltiness as a result of the animal’s food intake that stems from pastures peculiar to arid zones, Ibrahim noted.

He added: The meat is not really affected by weather conditions. You could leave it at room temperature for an entire week and it is still wholesome. This is a quality triggered by the presence of anti-bacterial properties in camel milk, which makes it ideal for the consumption of desert dwellers who don t have preservatives or fridges.

Ibrahim explained that camel milk is nutritionally balanced because it contains a bevy of low saturated, easily digestible fats in addition to higher amounts of protein, minerals, amino acids and particles that are thought to be made up of insulin, which is why the milk is recommended for diabetics.

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